Coaching and Mentoring

As educators, we are committed to supporting the development of emerging practitioners in our field, and professionals in all fields. As such we offer coaching and mentorship as part of our services.
What does coaching involve?

Coaching involves providing a supportive place for individuals to explore, identify and pursue personal or professional goals. In this confidential and reflective space, participants can look to refine their skills, identify and plan for challenges, and move toward a new or improved vision.

How might you benefit?

Having a confidential and supportive space to explore strengths and weaknesses without judgment and bounce ideas around can provide the motivation and template for personal and professional growth not otherwise accessible. It can lead to enhanced leadership, learning and development, and ultimately improved performance.

What is involved?

Coaching involves as series of 1-to-1 meetings that include identification of an area of focus, outline of a vision and goals for achievement, discussion of barriers and strategies for addressing obstacles, clear action plans, and ongoing support for implementation. The number of sessions will vary based on specific needs and resources and can be discussed with one of us.

Mentorship for MPC and Clinical Counselling
What does mentorship involve?

Mentorship involves supporting individuals over a period of time to develop professional skills, qualities and capacities for success in a particular context and the field in general. Mentorship can involve sharing knowledge, skills, resources and life experiences with the aim of guiding mentees to professional competence.

How might you benefit?

Mentorship can provide you with valuable guidance to work through personal, professional and ethical considerations within the field in a safe and supportive way. For those seeking professional certification (MPC, RCC, CCC), mentorship (or supervision) can provide the necessary framework and opportunity to meet registry requirements. 

What is involved?

If you are interested in mentorship or supervision in the areas of mental performance consulting or clinical counselling, please contact us for more information and ongoing opportunities.

Experience the gifts our services have to offer.

Talk to us about beginning to exercise your mind for performance, health and life.